Sustainable luxury that evokes joy, comfort, and glamour – Planet Loving Company's apparel ranges are designed to make consumers feel great without an excessive impact on the environment.

“We are part of the growing wave of conscious thinkers and style lovers whose only wish it to make it as easy as possible to be a mindful fashion consumer.”


Alex Adamson – co-founder of The Vampire's Wife – and sustainability activist Tabby Taylor are the people behind PLC. Alex brings over 30 years' experience as a business manager in several creative sectors, while Tabby has worked with many areas of the fashion world, always bringing a sustainability mindset to the table. The cross-generational friends united their fashion and advocacy skills to create clothes that bring joy while treading lightly on the environment.


Planet Loving Company avoid synthetic materials – the brand is entirely plastic-free. All virgin fabrics are sourced from Europe. Cotton and Tencel are some materials preferred by the brand.


The company's production takes place in Portugal and the UK. The founders regularly visit their manufacturers and ensure they have certifications and audits in place.


All Planet Loving Company employees are paid a living wage.


The company uses mostly materials that are animal-free and vegan.


Each of the company's pieces is wrapped in recyclable tissue paper, with a sticker on acid-free paper. The thank-you card is on recycled paper printed with soy ink. The products also come in a biodegradable bag.

To discover more like this, visit our women's ethical & sustainable clothing and men's ethical & sustainable clothing collections.

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